If You're not in Love With a Soldier....

If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never imagine the hole in your heart when that phone call comes? "Honey, I am leaving tomorrow to go overseas. I don't know how long I will be gone or exactly where I am going, but I want you to know that I love you - always!"

If you're not in love with a soldier, you don't know what it's like to say that final good-bye. You don't know what it really means to be glued to the television. You don't understand fear and you can't possibly understand the sleepless nights of endless crying wondering if you will ever see the love of your life alive again.

If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't know the immense joy, the uncontrollable smile, or the butterflies in your stomach when you see your soldier march into the family waiting area upon redeployment. You can't understand the self-control it takes to stand on the other side of the room as some higher-up gives a seemingly endless welcome home speech while all the soldiers stand in formation. You don't know what it's like to have that second first kiss or what it's like to experience puppy love all over.

If you're not in love with a soldier, you can't truly understand how to make every moment count because you never know when that phone call may come again.

If you're not in love with a soldier, you can never really understand how very delicate life is!

author unknown


  1. Hi Stephanie --

    I'm stopping by and following from the MBC's under 100 group.

    When I was a home visitor/parent educator I worked with many military families as Newport, RI is a naval base and training college.

    Military wives are strong, resourceful, and amazing! As I said in another one of your posts -- one minute they have to handle it all living life as a single parent and the next they are living as a married woman with a husband added to the mix.

    Look forward to keeping up with you!

    Dee :D

  2. Following you from MBC followers! I am not in love with a soldier but my baby brother was deployed to Kosovo, Afghanistan, Iraq and Korea before being medically discharged from the army. I am so proud of him, our soldiers, their husbands and wives and their families. Glad I found your blog! Check me out at www.mommywords.com

  3. I'm stopping by and following from the MBC's. I just want to say I am proud of our troops and all their families. You all endure alot to keep us safe!

    May God Bless you and yours,
